Scheduled Recording Settings

Step 1: Click  on the DVR main window and select Scheduled Recording tab.

Step 2: Select camera number

Step 3: Select record mode, begin time and end time (in Military Time**)

Step 4: Select the desired day(s) of the week.

Step 5: Click Set button to save to the settings for the selected camera.

Step 6: Repeat steps 2,3,4,5 for all other cameras. Please note that by clicking the button " All Cameras is same setup as up" underneath the grid, you can save time by applying the settings for the selected camera to ALL other cameras

Step 7: Click Apply then OK.

The letter "M" in a square on the grid means that the hour of time it resides in is scheduled for motion recording. The letter "C" means that the square on the grid it resides in is scheduled for continuous recording. If a square has no letter in it, no recording is scheduled to take place.

Another handy feature of Scheduled Recording is the ability to schedule different types of recording at different times for the same camera. For instance, a camera could be set up for motion recording for the first 12 hours of the day, then set up for continuous recording for the last 12 hours of the day. This is done by selecting the desired camera, selecting the desired record mode in the drop down box, and selecting the desired begin time and end time in their respective drop down boxes. In the example below, camera 1 is scheduled for continuous recording for hours 0 through 12, and scheduled for motion recording for hours 13 through 23:

You can even make settings different for different days of the week for the same camera. Just make the desired setting, then choose the days you'd like those settings applied to. You could, for example, have camera 1 scheduled for motion detection on Sundays from the 0 to 12th hour, then continuous record from the 13th to 23rd hour. On Monday, you could have camera 1 set up completely differently. You could have it scheduled for motion detection from the 4th through 6th hour, with continuous record from the 0 to 3rd hour, and 7th through 23rd hour!


**Military Time: a means of representing time sequentially using 24 hours, counting from 0000 (12:00am) to 2359 (11:59pm)